
SKU: 100-024-468WB
Availability: In Stock

Save Time Reloading & Prevent Sore Thumbs   The Universal Pistol Magazine Loader is a polymer loader that assists in loading magazines in 9mm and .40 S&W. Stop fumbling with dropped cartridges and avoid the sore thumb after a full day on the range. The Universal Pistol Magazine Loader is designed for use in all …

Save Time Reloading & Prevent Sore Thumbs


The Universal Pistol Magazine Loader is a polymer loader that assists in loading magazines in 9mm and .40 S&W. Stop fumbling with dropped cartridges and avoid the sore thumb after a full day on the range.

The Universal Pistol Magazine Loader is designed for use in all conditions and will not become soft or brittle in heat or cold. Spend less time loading mags and more time punching paper with the Universal Pistol Magazine Loader.

  • Extreme impact resistance
  • Resistant to harsh chemicals
  • Creep resistant

The Universal Pistol Magazine Loader will work on 9mm and .40 S&W magazines from most manufacturers.